2011: we only did it for the Lulz!

What’s it all about Alfie? If truth be told, we haven’t got a Scooby Doo. All we know is: it’s been emotional. So thanks where thanks is due to our three readers for hanging out in 2011 – Mum, Nan and the other one (you know who you are!).

We have some BIG plans for 2012, and without giving too much away now, we’ll soon be calling on our sleeper cells to mobilise. Intrigued? You will be. For now though, settle back and enjoy the ridiculousness that was 2011 (with all the best from DtD, with all the best from DtD – or at least 20 of them). Enjoy!

1. We kicked off the year by making sure that under no circumstances, whatever whatever, will we ever work in this town again…  Metro-Archaeology

2. Finally figured out what’s with that Stonehenge thing… Stonehenge Explained!

3. Discovered the best TV show you’ve never seen… The Redneck Archaeologist

4. Found, to our woe, that the writing is indeed on the series of small walls… Mersyside Archaeology Service

5. Put the erectus back into homo… Gay Caveman

6. Painted our ass red white and blue…. The Archaeology of Royal Weddings

7. Made a tragic error… Schliemann the Opera

8. Started a viral internet campaign to get the archaeological profession well and truly shagged… Shag an Archaeologist day 2011

9. Rolled around laughing at… The top ten funny archaeology videos

10. Loved archaeology so much we cooked it up and ate it… Edible Archaeology

11. Dreamt up #Bunnygate whilst declaring war on… Councilor Alan Melton

12. Launched our own leisure range from our very own… Fashion Emporium

13. Finally discovered what… Archaeology is…

14. Reviewed the album of the decade, an exclusive cut by… The Southport Group

15. Got deep down and dirty with… Red Hot Amateur Archaeologists

16. Drank and made merry, with… The Archaeology of Beer

17. Horrified by pranks gone wrong (or is that right?)… You’ve been framed

18. Found some strange goings on site… Crumbs Chief

19. Partnered up with the NSPCA to launch our own… Christmas Appeal!

20. Looked forward, with great relish and gusto, to 2012 with the… Naked Archaeologist Calendar

2012 – Bring it On!


  1. Given how high ‘Hello Hello Hello’ is in our estimation – them’s the Bees Knees – and that’s chalked down as a compliment!!!

    All the best,

    The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies

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