During my absence my coffee mug seems to have gone walkies. If anyone has seen or is in possession of a retro print mug with the text “I need more money and power and less shit from you people” on it, please give me a shout.
During my absence my coffee mug seems to have gone walkies. If anyone has seen or is in possession of a retro print mug with the text “I need more money and power and less shit from you people” on it, please give me a shout.
Rather than tinker with PPG 16 (the planning policy guidance notes underwriting decisions on the historic environment) might it be time for a radical rethink for how we undertake development-led archaeology?
As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know… Read more
Wilkins, B. 2011. Excavating Death on the N6: 3500 BC to 1500 AD. In O’Sullivan, J., and Stanley, M. (eds.) Past Times, Changing Fortunes: Archaeology and the National Roads Authority Monograph Series No. 8. Dublin: National Roads Authority (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2011. Past Orders: The Archaeology of Beer. Current Archaeology 256: 20-27 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2011. The Archaeology of Royal Weddings. Current Archaeology. 254: 12-19 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2010. Saints and Sinners: religion and conflict in Medieval Ireland. Current Archaeology 250: 28-35 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2010. Ireland’s Invisible People: the Celtic past meets the Celtic present. Current Archaeology 249: 28-35 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2010. From ancient waterways to modern highways: Ireland’s prehistoric beginnings. Current Archaeology 248: 36-43 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2010. When the Celtic Tiger Roared: Ireland’s golden years for archaeology. Current Archaeology 247: 12-19 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2010. Celtic Tiger archaeology: the view from afar. Seanda. 4: 45-47 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2010. Excavating Death in Galway: Newford, Ballykeeran and Carrowkeel. Current Archaeology. 246: 36-43 (View here)
Wilkins, B. 2009. Rumsfeldian Archaeology. Current Archaeology. 231: 43. (View here)